Tuesday 12 June 2012

Watch Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World for free

Seeking a Friend for the End of the World is a movie with mixture of genres. It involves a bit of romance, comedy and the drama created by the fact that what would humans do if they discover the world is heading towards its end. Usually, movies with such themes are heavier on the dramatic side, but the director has shown brilliant innovation by handling this issue with a light –hearted approach and keeping the drama relatively subtle.A wide asteroid is nearing earth and is about to strike it in around three weeks.Watch Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World onlineThe last attempt to stop this asteroid has failed and the fact that the earth is seeing its last few days has dawned upon entire humanity. Here, the director picks up and explores what would people do in their last days.The story lands up in the life of insurance salesman Dodge Peterson who is going through a difficult marriage. As soon as his wife becomes aware of the world-ending event, he deserts him on the spot. Dodge is a quiet, well-mannered and introvert type of a person who has always lead a disciplined life and swore by the rules of living. On the other hand, we see, Penny, Dodge’s neighbor who is an extrovert and free-spirited woman. The duo meets first with Penny crying after a bad night and then when Penny delivers a belated letter aimed for Dodge. This letter was from Dodge’s high school sweetheart, Olivia, the love of his life. The clock is ticking and the world is moving to an end It is now or never for Dodge. This is when Dodge realizes there is no time for regrets. He decides he would chase Olivia before it’s too late and Penny, on the other decides to spend the last days with her family in England. This decision treats the audiences with a humorous and warm journey as Dodge and Penny go aboard a road trip to reach their destiny while the world is seeing its last days. The journey is beautiful and cherished as the relationship between Dodge and Penny is portrayed exquisitely. Watch Free movies The pairing of male and female leads is odd but the chemistry is working. Also, the feeling of people on the last days is captured just apt. Not to forget is the last day dining scene in a restaurant. The director has approached a common theme with a different outlook. Hence, it makes for a light-hearted watch.

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